3) API Error Codes

Teleo SMS API Error Codes

Erro Code Description
000 Done
001 login details cannot be blank
003 sender cannot be blank
004 message text cannot be blank
005 message data cannot be blank
006 error: generic error description
007 username or password is invalid
008 account not active
009 account locked, contact your account manager
010 api restriction
011 ip address restriction
012 invalid length of message text
013 mobile numbers not valid
014 account locked due to spam message contact support
015 senderid not valid
017 groupid not valid
018 multi message to group is not supported
019 schedule date is not valid
020 message or mobile number cannot be blank
021 insufficient credits
022 invalid jobid
023 parameter missing
024 invalid template or template mismatch
025 {Field} can not be blank or empty
026 invalid date range
027 invalid optin user


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